26 November 2010

Anna Neale: Not Made For This

Final Digipack

Final Touches

Today, we finally finished editing the video, and played it through checking for errors. We then exprted it to AVI and started uploading it to YouTube. We then made quick and final changes to the digipack and the website.

24 November 2010


To help fix the problem, our faculty manager bought in a technician to attempt to convert the files. He believed he had solved it by using a converter which would turn the MPEGs into AVIs. He however had failed as the new files would not work in Adobe Premier Pro and were in a different aspect ratio. I managed to solve the problem by converting and exporting the MPEGs into AVI in Adobe Premier Pro one-by-one.

22 November 2010

Technology problems

Today we had severe problems editing the video as we had problems with the adobe software. Tom and Sophie were absent and the software repeatedly didn't respond for long periods of time. Our best attempt at fixing the problem was converting the MPEG files into AVI files.This failed however as everytime we tried to load the files into the program the program crashed. We were unsure how to progress.

12 November 2010


After doing some filming on tuesday, we decided it would be easiest to restart the editing as we have gaps in our editing timeline which will be very time-consuming to fill without corrupting the rest of it.

9 November 2010

Third Filming Session

Today was our third filming session. The majority of filming in this session was done by Tom and Andy. This was the first session where we had and needed additional lighting. This meant that I was in charge mainly of operation and placement of the lights.

Mannequin (Lying Down):

8 November 2010

Website improvements

We decided that a good way to improve the visual image of the website was to create it in powerpoint, then import it in images into DreamWeaver. Andrew created a quick draft on powerpoint to test. I then pasted it into paint, then split it into seperate images, then copied them one by one into Dreamweaver. I then added hyperlinks to some of the images to act as links. However, I came across the problem that whenever I previewed it, there was a purple or blue border around it which indicated it was a hyperlink. I then got help from a fellow student who showed me how to fix the problem by changing the number in the border section of 'properties' to 0.

This shows that it can be done and we are now creating a more stylish version on powerpoint.

5 November 2010

Digipack Final Covers

We completed what we were decided were our final covers for the digipacks.